Thursday, August 22, 2013

M-am mutat!

M-am mutat... şi urât din partea mea că nu v-am spus până acum. De v-a plăcut ce aţi găsit aici, de vreţi mai mult, sau poate altceva, eu zic că merită să-mi faceţi o vizită. Aici: Paşi prin viaţă.

Vă aştept cu drag. Şi de-o fi să nu ni se mai întretaie drumurile internetului... vă doresc să fiţi buni, frumoşi, blânzi şi să iubiţi din toată inima.

A voastră vorbă scrisă,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

14 februarie 2013, o zi cât o lună

14 februarie 2013, o zi în care am trăit şi simţit cât într-o lună...

Atât de mult că aproape doare.
Doare undeva în inimă, într-un loc de care aproape că uitasem... acolo unde inima nu se întâlnește cu sufletul, pentru că sufletul este inima.

Şi este abia 4 d.a.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

priceless moment no. 93

an unbelievable optimistic day

from dawn to dusk, optimism and joy surrounded me all day long.
no specific reason. no holiday.
just a perfect feeling that "everything is ok"
I wish all days were like that, for me and all of you!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

just a thought about... addictive

are we addicted to our own happiness?
yes, we are.

if we get it or not, well... that's a different story.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

drum spre noapte

mă-ndrept spre noapte,
printre şoapte
păşesc timid şi mă desprind
de lungul zilei mult tumult

mă arunc
şi prind în zbor
un gând uitat şi trecător

mă las alene printre perne...
să dorm şi să visez eu îmi doresc
să uit de zgomot, praf şi mult prea mult
să zbor şi să alerg pe nori

o singură dorinţă îmi aprind
la steaua scliptitoare lung privind
să regăsesc minunea din poveste
şi eu în palmă să o prind

Drum spre noapte © Iustina Dorobanțu

Saturday, January 12, 2013

priceless moment no. 92

a difficult day

while being a burden, a mess of thoughts or a burst of tears, a difficult days ends with something more than the day before. most probably no medal to be received, but experience, accomplishments & a new you, more powerful, are so important. you may rest now. take a sleep and prepare for all that may follow.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

priceless moment no. 91

stand-up comedy show

These guy know how to face life. They take any little thing, put it upside down, and then build it again. And they reveal the best part of life and human nature: we pass through life making fun of bad moments, we have the power to look at things, laugh of worst and leave with it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Joc de cuvinte

cand spunem totul despre nimic... sa spunem ca filosofam
dar cand despre tot nu spunem nimic... nu existam

Joc de cuvinte, vorbe in vant
Gasite, rostite, zdrobite
Arunc in plin vant.

Au fost vorbe goale, sau jocuri meschine
Graind neinteles si fara valoare.
Le-am sucit, le-am intors si chiar folosit.

Am spus o mie de lucruri
Cu sensuri cate stele sclipind poti privi
Fara sa spun, in fapt, nimic.

Am inventat limbaje din tarana
Ca pietre pretioase sa fie pret de o clipa
Apoi pe toate praf le-am facut.

Te-am atins, te-am surprins,
Te-am dus pana la stele
Iar de acolo sa cazi te-am lasat.

Vorbe straine, vorbe viclene
Spre nestiut le trimit, sa dispara
Nimic, nimanui, necunoscut
Sa nu mai existe pe Pamant.

(c) Iustina Dorobantu

Sunday, October 28, 2012

constrangere, a fi

la prima vedere, o oarecare faptura
avand, defapt, atat de multe de spus
impartita intre ganduri si fapte, dorinte si realitati
ma reconstruiesc in fiecare zi din mii de cuvinte
umplu pagini intregi de vise, sub ochi critici sau flamanzi
renasc cu fiece idee noua, traiesc si mor in rand cu ea
eu ma adun din toate cele spuse, din vise si simtiri, din ganduri si iubiri
devin intregul meu nepretuit, asa cum doar eu ma stiu
ce las in spate, greu de spus... franturi si urme, zambete si lacrimi
un mozaic bizar si dificil de inteles
dar nici nu vreau ca ei sa ma fi cunoscut 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

so young and free

I am young and free

As free as only flying birds can see

I am free and feel
As only leaving being could be

I feel and love
As only one lifetime love can be

I love and treasure hugs
As moon could only dream about
I treasure life and wish for happiness
As each and every human does

I wish I knew you long before
I wish my steps have gone with me so far away
I wish I were not caught in my own time
I wish I didn’t choose those words to say

As when I look into my eyes
The mirror caches my own breath
And speechless I remain a while
So deep forgotten in my mind

I do return and live again
Down to the bottom of my life
And every nerve I have does feel
That every moment that we share

© Iustina Dorobantu, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

just a thought about... evo-invo-lution

we assist to the evolution of the involution; and do nothing, as we do not recognize it.
we don't even perceive clearly the involution of the evolution; 'cause we are so blinded by fake evolution.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

just a though about... seasons

The day the colors were chosen, the Autumn was the third to choose...
First, it was the Spring. It took all the bright colors and the green of revival.
Then it came the Summer. It took the yellow for the sun, the blue for the sky and lots of colors for the flowers.
Then, the Autumn. It had the least and also the most to pick up from. It took all the edges of colors, all the shades. 'Cause none of the colors was still available. And so it took it all: random spots, full shades of yellow, red and brown, the green-brown and the smell of rain.
The last the Winter came, and only white was left behind, as color couldn't it be named....

Cand s-au impartit anotimpurile, Toamna a fost a treia la rand...

ochi triști, ai tăi

să fie toamna timpul
când ochii tăi sunt triști?
să fie ploaia ce ne bate-n geam
o tristă amintire răscolită?

privirea rătăcită-n gânduri
și în povești al căror tâlc
doar tu-l cunoști
ți-o întâlnesc din întâmplare

tu nu mă vezi
tu nu mă simți
cu tine-n gânduri mă afund
și-ți merg alături

cu greu te-ajung din urmă
și te prind
și las prăpastia să aștepte;
azi nu vei fi al ei.

înveți din nou ce-i bucuria
și zâmbetul revine pâlpâind
pe-al tău chip de om bun
surâsul e lipit acum.

© Iustina Dorobanțu

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

priceless moment no. 90

go offline for a while
dedicated to those who's lives have been changes without notice, to those who can still go back

We are so trapped by our pretty new online social environment, that we merely miss the rest. For several years now, we find ourselves caught by certain online social networks, friendship sites, messengers, blogging, sharing life through photos, updating professional status, leading discussions... while outside life itself is breathing under the blue sky and shinny sky, while the wind blows away our years, while our children grow and elders die... Some dance all night, some read for hours, some climb mountains, some cook, some tenderly kiss, some scream, some cry.

If you're not one of those who were trapped a least once, happily you! Most probably you aren't reading this, at least not now. But someday, somehow... they'll catch you too. And at that point, you'll need to be prepared, you'll need to know how to breach out.

We can't escape. We can't pass by not knowing, not doing it. So we just have to know when it's enough and really know where the boundary is - between using and being used. We need to know when and how to take a deep breath. We need to learn to step aside and stay. We need to laugh with friends side by side. We need to go online just for a reason. And the reason should be a good one.
We need to know how to go offline for a while.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

priceless moment no. 89

wind in summer

It could have been another Monday evening. It could have been an ordinary day. It could have been a simple night fall before the next four working days.
But the wind decided not to be like yesterday. Nor like the week before.
I urged for some fresh air, I dreamed about a few clouds in the sky. I put on a light dress and went outside. As I turned my eyes up, I realized. I heard. I felt. The wind was running through the tree, and leaves seamed to sing as they were balanced. The dark blue sky revealed just a few stars. The coulds seamed rather orange due to city light that went up to reach them. The trees were bending. My hair flew all around. My dress was running by the wind and the cold air was surrounding life itself. The only human-touched sound was from my neighbours' feng shui door bells.
I closed my eyes and let my heart run with the wind.
The leaves are still singing... but it's already too late... so I'll choose a place to sleep. As it may really be my bed, today I'll call it my palace of wind-pillows.
Good night and sweet dreams, my beloved wind! Today I'm free, as you!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

priceless moment no. 88

those days when internet was not yet born… when mailbox was real

I miss… I miss the old days ... when I was choosing the paper, choosing the envelope, choosing the pen. Then I started writing and fill several pages in a row.
Then I used to go to the post office to buy a beautiful stamp, stuck it carefully in the corner and then, excited, I used to throw the letter in the large red box on the street.
Then wait. Counting the days. I imagine how my letter was put in plastic bag, then sorted, the went far away into the last carriage of the train, then arrived at another post office, then it was placed carefully in a big brown bag among other letters and finally arrived in the mailbox.
It was carefully torn, or cut in speed, in the first minute or after a few days. Then started to write back. And keep writing. And writing. Answered my questions, told me new things and made a long list of questions. And plans for farewell.
Then a new letter started the adventure of its life on the way to me.
And I counted the days I should receive it. And one day, I opened the mailbox ...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Praf de stele

Am sa ma uit in sus la stele
Cu palmele constelatii intregi am sa prind
Le voi tine strans sa nu fuga
Din praf de stele imi va fi camasa de noapte
Si voi visa inainte s-adorm...

© Iustina Dorobantu